Broker Associate
Kathleen can help connect you with trusted organizers and movers to get you ready to go. She also has a team of skilled tradespeople to call on for repairs, painting, and upgrades that your home may need to give it an inviting appearance that will bring you the best price possible.
As an art and design expert, Kathleen knows how to market your home to show it to its best advantage. She has an eye for detail that makes her listings stand out and brings forth eager buyers. Kathleen offers an approach that includes comprehensive marketing efforts, including elegant brochures, dedicated websites, and targeted marketing. Intensive networking and finely-honed negotiation skills are also among her specialties.
By studying recent sales and staying abreast of market trends, Kathleen helps guide you in pricing your property to garner your desired result—the best price. She delivers results in the least amount of time, with the least upheaval in your day-to-day life.